Kristina Shevory – Freelance Military Reporter2021-09-30T15:03:57-05:00

I’m Kristina, a freelance reporter who writes regularly for the New York Times about business and the military. My stories have also appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, Playboy, Newsweek, Wired, Businessweek, Foreign Policy, Pacific Standard, AP, and the New York Post. I’m also a U.S. Army veteran.


Is This Thing On?

I’m inordinately excited to have my first ever website go live. Expect plenty of updates on this site about my latest comings and goings.

For the business section of the New York Times, I wrote about new elevated parks underway across the country. No longer does New York City have the only cool park set on an old railroad trestle (High Line), now Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis are working on plans to fix up their old railway trestles and tracks for parkland. Cities get to spiff up an old eyesore, improve a neighborhood and get new open space.

I also was lucky enough to land a package of dream assignments: Review a brand new hotel and entertainment district in my hometown of Austin for the New York Times. Sign me up! You can see those two stories here and here.

Is This Thing On?

I’m inordinately excited to have my first ever website go live. Expect plenty of updates on this site about my latest comings and goings.

For the business section of the New York Times, I wrote about new elevated parks underway across the country. No longer does New York City have the only cool park set on an old railroad trestle (High Line), now Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis are working on plans to fix up their old railway trestles and tracks for parkland. Cities get to spiff up an old eyesore, improve a neighborhood and get new open space.

I also was lucky enough to land a package of dream assignments: Review a brand new hotel and entertainment district in my hometown of Austin for the New York Times. Sign me up! You can see those two stories here and here.


Afghan Cell Phone Sellers

Once a Bright Spot, Afghan Telecoms Face Unsustainable Losses

New York Times | 
Afghanistan is under siege from all corners. Cell phones seemed impervious to the country’s problems. Not anymore. +Read Article

Drill Sergeant

Bootcamp for Bankers

New York Times | 
Think you had a tough morning?

Think again. Employees at USAA, a bank that caters to the military, volunteer to work out at 0430 with retired and active duty drill sergeants to get a taste of what military life is like. +Read Article

Sgt Bowe Bergdah in Afghanistanl

Legal Outcome Uncertain for US POW |
U.S. POW Sgt Bergdal’s legal limbo is only beginning. +Read Article


Architect, or Whatever

The New York Times |
A troubled economy and the implosion of the real estate market have thrown thousands of architects and designers out of work in the last year or so, forcing them to find or create jobs. +Read Article

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